


In the current market context of increasing competitive pressure, the companies have to carefully monitor the strategic opportunities for development and the creation of industrial and financial synergies by means of merger and acquisition transactions (M&A).

These transactions may provide significant opportunities in contexts which require the planning of generational transition within the enterprise. Given the complexity and multiplicity of the aspects and areas of specialisation involved, preparing for an M&A transaction requires evolved global consultancy and the coordination of specialist strategic, industrial, economic, financial, legal and tax skills.

Cortellazzo&Soatto approaches these transactions by setting up specific multidisciplinary teams of professionals to assist the enterprise and its management with the various phases and activities, including:

  • The search for and selection of development and aggregation opportunities
  • The search for and selection of industrial and financial partners
  • The identification of the current and prospective value of the company and the object of the transaction
  • The assessment of returns on the investment or aggregation
  • The planning and management of the M&A process, from the preliminary agreements through legal, tax and business due diligence to closing